Green Real Estate
At By The Sea Realty we think Green because “Why Wouldn’t We?”. Being Green at By The Sea Realty begins in our office where we reduce the amount of paper consumption by striving to make our operation as “paperless” as possible. Whenever practical we utilize electronic documents, electronic signatures and contract sharing over the Internet. Don’t be offended if we ask you to collaborate on-line when signing and reviewing documents – its not that we don’t want to visit you in person, we just like being efficient while saving paper and fuel whenever possible. Ultimately these efforts save us all time and money, and are better for our environment.
What makes us green?
- Agents who are specially trained with “Green” or “ecoBroker” designations
- Electronic document sharing
- Electronic signatures
- On-line meetings and collaboration
- Recycled paper products
- Optional electronic yard signs instead of flyer boxes
- Promoting the awareness of local environmental causes, such as manatee and sea turtle conservation

Environmental News and Events

Sea Turtle Nesting Season in South Florida
Green and Loggerhead Sea Turtles Have Record Years Updated April 2024 Review 2023 Survey Highlights | Turtle Walks and Releases

Florida Manatees Make Strong Recovery
Boaters should always be on the lookout for manatees, especially in protection zones during manatee season when manatees can be anywhere just below the surface.