South Florida Real Estate Blog


KIDS South Florida

Holiday Toy Drive for Kids in Distress

It is EASY to Donate Toys! The holiday season is here! Let’s come together to make a meaningful impact on the lives of the children of Kids In Distress. We

7 Mile Bridge Florida Keys

Drivable Summer Trips for Floridians

Last Spring we shared 7 Cool Vacation Spots to Beat the Summer Heat, including cool summer getaways like Lake Tahoe, Seattle and Stowe, Vermont. In this blog we are featuring

Lake Tahoe Nevada

Cool Summer Getaways

Summer is right around the corner, so if you haven’t planned your summer getaway yet, then I’ve got some “cool” ideas for you. The average temperature in South Florida is

Black Labrador Retriever playing outside

Best Condos for Dogs of All Sizes

This is a follow up to my blog about My Top Ten Dog Friendly Condos. The Fort Lauderdale area has quite a few buildings that will gladly allow your furry

Moving Without Stress

7 Ways To Stay Balanced During a Move

Buying, Selling and Moving With Less Stress An aspect of the buying/selling process that we often resist and put off is the actual packing and moving of things. Who enjoys

Best Beaches in South Florida

Favorite Beaches in South Florida

As a REALTOR here in South Florida I work with many buyers who are considering a second home or primary residence near the beach, some of whom are not sure